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CommonGrants protocol v0.1.0

The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “NOT RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14, RFC2119, and RFC8174 when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.


CommonGrants protocol

The CommonGrants protocol defines a set of REQUIRED API routes, operations, and schemas that a CommonGrants API MUST implement to be considered compliant. It also defines an OPTIONAL pattern for extending the base protocol with implementation-specific behavior.

OpenAPI document

An OpenAPI document is a JSON or YAML document that conforms to the OpenAPI Specification and formally describes an API.

API document

A CommonGrants API document is an OpenAPI document that conforms to the CommonGrants protocol and formally describes the routes and operations of a CommonGrants API.

Developers MAY draft their API document in TypeSpec, using the CommonGrants core library and CLI, before compiling it to an OpenAPI document. This approach allows developers to leverage features such as intellisense and compile-time checks that increase the likelihood of compliance with the CommonGrants protocol.

CommonGrants API

A CommonGrants API is a software platform or system that implements all of the REQUIRED CommonGrants routes and operations, with an OPTIONAL set of implementation-defined extensions.

Routes and operations

CommonGrants routes and operations provide a formal description of CommonGrants API endpoints and the actions they perform, standardizing the interface between a CommonGrants API and its clients. These routes and operations are defined using TypeSpec and compile to an OpenAPI document.

There are three main categories of routes and operations:

  • Required routes that are stable and MUST be implemented.
  • Optional routes that are stable and MAY be implemented, but are NOT REQUIRED.
  • Experimental routes that are unstable, intended for feedback, and are NOT REQUIRED.


CommonGrants schemas formally describe how data SHOULD be represented within a CommonGrants API route or operation. These schemas are defined using TypeSpec and compile to other formats, such as OpenAPI schemas and JSON schemas.

Some CommonGrants schemas can be modified to support implementation-defined behavior.

Implementation-defined behavior

The protocol categorizes certain behaviors as implementation-defined, which means that CommonGrants APIs have modified the default behavior using a protocol-defined extension pattern. This pattern allows implementations to support custom functionality while maintaining consistency and compatibility with other CommonGrants APIs.


An API is “compliant” with the CommonGrants protocol if:

  • It correctly implements all required routes and operations, with inputs and outputs that conform to the corresponding CommonGrants schemas
  • It does not implement any API endpoints that directly conflict with the optional routes and operations defined by the protocol
  • It follows the guidelines outlined in the CommonGrants protocol for all implementation-defined extensions of any default routes, operations, and schemas

Developers MAY use the CommonGrants CLI to validate their API document and implementation against the CommonGrants protocol.



The CommonGrants protocol follows the Major.Minor.Patch versioning scheme, where:

  • the Major version is incremented when backwards-incompatible changes are made to the protocol. These changes may include:
    • Adding new required routes or operations;
    • Adding new required fields to existing schemas;
    • Removing existing fields from existing schemas;
    • Removing an option from an existing enum field;
    • Changing the type of an existing field; or
    • Changing the protocol in other ways that would make existing CommonGrants APIs non-compliant.
  • the Minor version is incremented when backwards-compatible changes are made to the protocol. These changes may include:
    • Adding new optional routes or operations;
    • Adding new optional fields to existing schemas;
    • Adding new options to existing enum fields; or
    • Making other changes that introduce new functionality without making existing implementations non-compliant.
  • the Patch version is incremented when the protocol is updated in a backwards-compatible way that adds new optional functionality.
    • Updating the descriptions or metadata of existing routes, operations, and schemas in ways that don’t change their behavior;
    • Fixing typos or other minor changes that don’t affect the protocol’s behavior; or
    • Making other changes that neither introduce new functionality nor make existing implementations non-compliant.


Base types

String types

stringA sequence of characters
uuidA universally unique identifier
urlA Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

Numeric types

numericA number with an arbitrary precision and scale
integerA whole number without decimals
decimalStringA decimal number encoded as a string to preserve scale

Date and time types

isoTimeTime without timezone in ISO 8601 format (HH:mm:ss)
isoDateCalendar date in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD)
utcDateTimeDatetime with UTC timezone in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ)
offsetDateTimeDatetime with timezone in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss±hh:mm)

Other types

booleanA true or false value
arrayAn ordered list of values
recordA collection of key-value pairs
nullA null value
unknownA value of with any type

Core fields

The CommonGrants protocol defines the following fields that are reused across models:

MoneyA monetary amount with a currency code
EventA description of an event with an associated date
CustomFieldA model for defining custom fields on a record
SystemMetadataSystem-managed metadata for records

Opportunity models

The CommonGrants protocol defines the following models that are specific to funding opportunities:

OpportunityBaseThe core model for a funding opportunity
OppStatusThe status of an opportunity
OppFundingDetails about the funding available for an opportunity
OppTimelineKey dates in the opportunity’s timeline

Routes and operations

The CommonGrants protocol defines the following routes and operations that are specific to funding opportunities.

GET /opportunitiesRequiredGet a paginated list of opportunities sorted by lastModifiedAt
GET /opportunities/{id}RequiredView details about a specific opportunity


CommonGrants routes that return multiple records from a resource SHOULD support pagination. Paginated routes SHOULD accept the following, either as query parameters (for GET routes) or as properties in a pagination object at the root of the request body (for POST and PUT routes):

pageinteger1The page number to return, starting at 1
pageSizeinteger100The number of results per page, between 1 and 100

Additionally, the response body for paginated requests SHOULD include a paginationInfo property with the following:

pageintegerYesThe page number of the results
pageSizeintegerYesThe number of results per page
totalItemsintegerYesThe total number of results across all pages
totalPagesintegerYesThe total number of pages of results

The response body for paginated requests SHOULD return the paginated set of records in the items property.


CommonGrants routes that support sorting SHOULD accept the following, either as query parameters (for GET routes) or as an properties in a sorting parameter in the request body (for POST and PUT routes):

sortBystringThe property to use to sort the results
customSortBystringThe implementation-defined sort value, if applicable
sortOrderasc or descThe order in which to sort the results

Additionally, the response body for sorted requests SHOULD include a sortInfo property with the following:

sortBystringYesThe property used to sort the results, or custom if a custom sort was used
customSortBystringNoThe custom sort value used, if applicable
sortOrderasc or descYesThe order in which the results were sorted
errorsarrayNoErrors that occurred while sorting

If the protocol specifies a minimum set of sortBy options, implementations MUST support them. APIs MAY support additional implementation-defined options using the customSortBy parameter.

To maintain compatibility, if a client uses an unsupported customSortBy value, the API SHOULD NOT return a non-2xx response. Instead, it SHOULD default to the standard sortBy value and note the error in sortInfo.errors.


CommonGrants routes that support filtering SHOULD be paginated POST operations that accept a filters parameter at the root of the request body, with one or more supported filters defined by the protocol.

The value of each protocol-defined filter SHOULD conform to the Filter schema, which contains the following properties:

operatorenumYesThe operation to perform on the value
valueanyYesThe data to use for the filter operation

The operator property SHOULD be one of the following, though individual filters are NOT REQUIRED to support all operations:

OperationDescriptionSupported value types
eqEqual tostring, number, boolean, date, money
neqNot equal tostring, number, boolean, date, money
gtGreater thannumber, date, money
gteGreater than or equal tonumber, date, money
ltLess thannumber, date, money
lteLess than or equal tonumber, date, money
likeString containsstring
not_likeString does not containstring
inIn listarray
not_inNot in listarray
betweenBetween two valuesrange object with min and max properties

Additionally, the response body for filtered requests SHOULD return the filtered set of records in the items property of a paginated response. This response body SHOULD also include a filterInfo property with the following:

filtersobjectYesThe filters object from the request body
errorsarrayNoErrors that occurred while filtering

As an example, the POST /opportunities/search route may define the following schema for its filters request body parameter:

id: OpportunitySearchFilters.yaml
type: object
description: Filter opportunities by title
type: object
type: string
type: string
- eq
- neq
- like
description: Filter opportunities closed between two dates
type: object
type: object
type: string
format: date
type: string
format: date
type: string
- eq
- neq
- gt
- gte
- lt
- lte
- operation

Which would accept the following request body:

"filters": {
"title": {
"value": "example",
"operation": "like"
"closedDateRange": {
"value": {
"min": "2024-01-01",
"max": "2024-01-31"
"operation": "between"

And return the following response body:

"items": [
// filtered results
"paginationInfo": {
// pagination info
"filterInfo": {
"filters": {
"title": {
"value": "example",
"operation": "like"
"closedDateRange": {
"value": {
"min": "2024-01-01",
"max": "2024-01-31"
"operation": "between"
"errors": []

For more information about implementation-defined filters, see the Custom filters section.


The CommonGrants protocol defines the following mechanisms for extending the base protocol with implementation-defined behavior:

Custom fields

CommonGrants APIs may need to support attributes that are not explicitly included in the default schemas. To support this, the CommonGrants protocol has defined a pattern for adding custom fields to certain models, e.g. OpportunityBase.

If a model supports custom fields, it MUST include an optional customFields property, an object whose values MUST conform to the CustomField type. CommonGrants APIs MAY use this customFields property to define custom fields for its implementation of that model.

For example, to maintain compatibility with existing systems, a CommonGrants API might need each Opportunity record to have an id field that is an integer instead of a uuid. This API can create an implementation-defined version of the OpportunityBase schema with the following:

type: object
type: string
- 30a12e5e-5940-4c08-921c-17a8960fcf4b
format: uuid
description: Globally unique id for the opportunity
type: string
description: Title or name of the funding opportunity
# other fields omitted for brevity
type: object
type: object
type: string
const: Legacy ID
type: string
const: number
type: integer
- 12345
type: string
const: An integer ID for the opportunity, needed for compatibility with legacy systems
- name
- type
- value
- legacyId
- id
# other required fields omitted for brevity
- customFields

In this example, the API extends the OpportunityBase model to include a legacyId custom field, defined using the CustomField type.

Implementation-defined extensions MAY make the customFields property required if the base schema includes it as optional, but SHALL NOT add a customFields property to a model that lacks one.

Similarly, APIs SHALL NOT add fields outside the customFields property. If a model lacks a customFields property, it doesn’t support extension through custom fields.

Custom enum values

Some CommonGrants schemas have fields that accept values from a limited set of options, known as “enums”. Occasionally, APIs need to set these fields to implementation-defined custom values.

To support this, the protocol defines a pattern for custom enum values. If a field supports custom enum values, it MUST match an object with these properties:

  • value: a required string that includes custom as one of its enum values
  • customValue: an optional string with the display value for the custom enum
  • description: an optional string that describes how to interpret the custom enum
type: string
# other enum values added here
- custom
type: string
description: The display value for the custom enum
type: string
description: A human-readable description of the value
- value

For example, the OpportunityBase model includes a status with predefined values (e.g. forecasted, closed). When an opportunity’s status is set to one of these predefined values, it MUST include the value property and SHOULD omit the customValue and description properties:

"id": "ad763210-5940-4c08-921c-17a8960fcf4b",
"title": "Example Opportunity",
// other OpportunityBase fields omitted for brevity
"status": {
"value": "forecasted"

When set to a custom value, it SHOULD include customValue and description:

"id": "ad763210-5940-4c08-921c-17a8960fcf4b",
"title": "Example Opportunity",
// other OpportunityBase fields omitted for brevity
"status": {
"value": "custom",
"customValue": "archived",
"description": "Opportunity will no longer appear in search results, but will remain in the system for reporting purposes"

CommonGrants APIs SHALL NOT add custom enum values to any field that does not support them in the base protocol.

Custom filters

If a route supports implementation-defined filters, it MUST include a customFilters property in its filters request body parameter. This property must be an object whose values match the Filter schema described in the Filtering section.

For example, to allow clients to filter opportunities by a custom field, an API can define this filter:

id: OpportunityCustomFilter.yaml
type: object
# protocol-defined filters omitted for brevity
type: object
description: Filter opportunities by a list of agencies
type: object
type: array
type: string
type: string
- in
- not_in

For compatibility, if a client provides an unsupported custom filter, the API SHOULD NOT return a non-2xx response. Instead, it SHOULD exclude that filter and note the error in filterInfo.errors.

For example, if a client provides an unsupported agencyType filter, the API SHOULD exclude it and return the following response body:

"filterInfo": {
"filters": {
"agencyType": {
"value": ["federal"],
"operation": "in"
"errors": ["Unsupported filter: agencyType"]

Custom routes

CommonGrants APIs MAY define custom routes that are not part of the core protocol. Any path that is not prefixed with /common-grants/ is considered a custom route.

For example, to allow clients to access the history of an opportunity record, an API can define this route:

summary: Get opportunity history
description: Get the history of changes made to an opportunity

This pattern can also be used to maintain support for existing routes that conflict with those defined by the protocol. For example, an API can maintain a non-conforming GET /common-grants/opportunities route by defining their own GET /opportunities route (without the /common-grants prefix):

summary: Get opportunities (legacy)
description: Get a list of opportunities, with legacy filtering and sorting

This allows APIs to incrementally adopt the CommonGrants protocol while supporting existing routes and operations.

Appendix A: Compliance examples

All of the following examples are non-compliant with the CommonGrants protocol.

Extra routes

The implementation includes an extra route that is not prefixed with /custom/, and is not part of the base protocol.

Base protocol

openapi: 3.0.0
title: CommonGrants Base API
description: Base protocol specification to check a CommonGrants API against
- name: Opportunities
- name: required
# omitted for brevity
- name: Opportunities
- name: required


openapi: 3.0.0
title: CommonGrants implementation API
description: Implementation of the CommonGrants protocol
- name: Opportunities
# omitted for brevity
- name: Opportunities
# omitted for brevity
- name: Opportunities

Missing routes

The implementation does not include a required route.

openapi: 3.0.0
title: CommonGrants Base API
description: Base protocol specification to check a CommonGrants API against
- name: Opportunities
- name: required
# omitted for brevity
- name: Opportunities
- name: required
# omitted for brevity
- name: Opportunities
- name: required


openapi: 3.0.0
title: CommonGrants implementation API
description: Implementation of the CommonGrants protocol
- name: Opportunities
# omitted for brevity
- name: Opportunities
# missing GET /opportunities/{id} route

Mismatched schemas

The implementation schemas are not valid against the base protocol schemas in one of the following ways:

  • The implementation schema misses a required field.
  • The implementation schema includes additional properties at the root of the schema.
  • The implementation schema assigns the wrong type to an existing field.
  • The implementation schema adds to the list of enum values for an existing field.

Base protocol

openapi: 3.0.0
title: CommonGrants Base API
description: Base protocol specification to check a CommonGrants API against
- name: Opportunities
- name: required
# omitted for brevity
- name: Opportunities
- name: required
description: A 200 response with a paginated list of items
type: object
- id
- title
type: string
format: uuid
type: string
type: string
- forecasted
- open
- closed
- custom
# other OpportunityBase fields omitted for brevity


openapi: 3.0.0
title: CommonGrants implementation API
description: Implementation of the CommonGrants protocol
- name: Opportunities
# omitted for brevity
- name: Opportunities
- name: required
description: A 200 response with a paginated list of items
type: object
- id
- title
type: integer # wrong type
# missing title field
type: string
type: string
# adds an unsupported enum value "archived"
- forecasted
- open
- closed
- custom
- archived
# other OpportunityBase fields omitted for brevity