Key dates in the opportunity’s timeline, such as when the application opens and closes.
Data model
Property | Type | Required | Description |
appOpens | Event | No | The date (and time) at which the opportunity begins accepting applications |
appDeadline | Event | No | The final deadline for submitting applications |
otherDates | Record<Event> | No | An optional map of other key dates in the opportunity timeline |
$schema: https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema$id: OppTimeline.yamltype: objectproperties: appOpens: $ref: Event.yaml description: The date (and time) at which the opportunity begins accepting applications appDeadline: $ref: Event.yaml description: The final deadline for submitting applications otherDates: type: object additionalProperties: $ref: Event.yaml description: An optional map of other key dates in the opportunity timelinedescription: Key dates in the opportunity's timeline
/** Key dates in the opportunity's timeline */model OppTimeline { /** The date (and time) at which the opportunity begins accepting applications */ appOpens?: Event;
/** The final deadline for submitting applications */ appDeadline?: Event;
/** An optional map of other key dates in the opportunity timeline */ otherDates?: Record<Event>;}
{ "appOpens": { "name": "Application Opens", "date": "2024-03-01", "description": "Applications begin being accepted" }, "appDeadline": { "name": "Application Deadline", "date": "2024-04-30", "time": "17:00:00", "description": "Final deadline for all submissions" }, "otherDates": { "anticipatedAward": { "name": "Anticipated award date", "date": "2025-03-15", "description": "When we expect to announce awards for this opportunity." } }}