Using ADRs
Problem statement
What is the best way to document key architectural decisions made within the project so that future contributors can understand the rationale behind those decisions?
Decision outcome
We’ve decided to use Architecture Decision Records (ADRs) as described in Recording decisions. These records will be published on the website for this project.
- Positive consequences
- Decisions are documented explicitly
- Decision records travel with the repo
- Decision records live alongside other docs in the repo
- Negative consequences
- It may be slower to record decisions, relative to documenting them outside the repo
- It may be harder for folks to create decision records if they are not familiar with markdown or GitHub
- We’ll need to spend time keeping these decision records up-to-date, so they aren’t inaccurate
Decision drivers
- Transparency: We want our decisions to be transparent to project stakeholders.
- Discoverability: We want our decisions to be easily discoverable by project maintainers and external stakeholders.
- Minimal overhead: We want to minimize the amount of overhead required to maintain our decision log, so that the log accurate reflects the current state of our decisions.
Options considered
- Using ADRs published on the website: Chosen because it balanced transparency, discoverability, and colocation with the code the decisions relate to.
- Documenting decisions in Google Drive: Would make recording decisions faster and require less overhead, but less transparent and further removed from the code the decisions relate to.
- Documenting decisions as ADRs in each sub-directory: Would keep the decision record closer to the code, but make them less discoverable.