The Pillbox Engine processes all DailyMed SPL XML files and populates several tables.
These tables are
- SPL Products
- SPL OSDF Pills
- OSDF Ingredients
SPL Products
The SPL products table includes the header information of all xml files.
The header includes information such as a unique setid, the author, the effective date, etc.
For the full list of fields included in this table refer to spl.models.Product
To populate or update the products table, click on Sync Data
under SPL products action box. To check the progress click on the box again.
You can view browse and search in the SPL products by going to the SPL Products list page.
OSDF Pills and Ingredients
Each SPL XML file includes multiple product information. The Pillbox Engine identifies those products that are categorized as OSDF (Oral Solid Dosage Form) and sync their information with OSDF Pills and OSDF Ingredients tables.
For a full list of fields that are populated from xml files look at spl.models.Pill
To populate or update the pills table, click on Sync Data
under OSDF Pills action box. To check the progress click on the box again.
You can view browse and search in the OSDF Pills and Ingredients by going to the OSDF Pills and Ingredients list page.